Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements — Your Way To Good Health

When we think of fatty acids or fat, we often misunderstand them to be entirely unhealthy. However, that is not true. The human body requires certain fats in order to function to its full potential. Among these healthy fats are the Omega-3 fatty acids, which you may have seen available in the form of Omega 3 capsules. These are usually obtained from fish oils, primarily marine fish and some plant sources like flaxseed and plant oils.

However, due to dietary restrictions and because of a misconception about the role of fat in the body, Omega-3 is often neglected in our regular diet, leading to several health issues which go unnoticed and unattributed to this nutrient. For children, especially, less consumption of omega-3 can lead to developmental issues. To make up for any inconsistency in the diet, often Omega-3 tablets or fish capsules are recommended as a great addition to the diet.

HK Vitals Omega-3 is one such range of fish oil supplements, carefully curated based on the daily required intake and other factors to lend you optimum nutritional benefits. These Omega 3 capsules are made from the highest quality, fresh ingredients to give you pure Omega-3 supplements that are safe for you to consume and are highly beneficial as well. 

What Are Omega-3 Fatty Acids?

There is a family of fatty acids that your body requires on a daily basis. It consists of three types ALA or Alpha Linoleic Acids, DHA or Docosahexaenoic Acid and EPA or Eicosapentaenoic Acid. Collectively, they are called Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Omega 3 capsules usually contain EPA and DHA that are only found in animal-based food sources like fish and seafood. ALA is found in a variety of plant-based food sources like olive oil, flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts and a lot more.

If you do not consume these foods on a regular basis, using a fish capsule is highly recommended. HK vitals is one of the best options for you to get these multivitamin tablets and find a variety that suits your specific requirements. The fish oil capsules price from the brand is easy on the pocket and can be made a regular consumption.

Forms of Omega-3 Supplements

Fish oil supplements are usually found in the form of fish capsules or Omega-3 tablets. They are available as soft gels with a coating to prevent any fishy reflux or after taste. There are three primary forms of omega 3 capsules:

Natural Fish oil: These Omega-3 tablets are made with unprocessed fish oil that contains triglycerides.

Processed fish oil: These fish oil tablets are refined and in order to prepare ethyl esters from triglycerides. This gives them a chance to alter the concentration of EPA and DHA in the capsules.

Reformed triglycerides: The ethyl esters in processed fish oil are converted back to the triglyceride form to make these omega 3 capsules. 

For the best nutrition supplement to include in your diet, choose one that contains triglycerides or the natural form of fish oil. It is best absorbed to give you maximum benefits of the fish capsule.

What are Omega 3 Capsules Used For? 

You get a host of Omega-3 supplements that vary according to concentration and fish oil capsules price. They have many uses as mentioned below:

For heart health: Healthy fats in fish oil tablets help reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the body, ensuring that your heart stays healthy. 

For joint health: The joints are better lubricated and protected from oxidative stress with ample consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids. 

For improved vision: The cells of the eyes are protected from free radical damage when you include a fish capsule in your diet. This is because of the strong antioxidant property of Omega-3 fatty acids.

For brain health: For children and adults, Omega-3 is extremely essential for the development and protection of the brain. DHA that is found in omega 3 capsules, in particular, is very important for the brain. 

For better mental health: EPA, which is a common ingredient in most salmon omega supplements is known to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. 

Benefits of taking Omega 3 Capsules 

Omega-3 fatty acids, along with other vitamins and minerals are responsible for a host of metabolic activities in the human body. Using good quality omega 3 capsules gives you several health benefits. The Omega 3 capsules price is reasonable and can easily be made a daily intake by the family. Its benefits include: 

Macular degeneration is prevented: One of the most important components of Omega-3 supplements is DHA. This type of omega-3 fatty acid is a primary component of the retina as well. With regular and optimal consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, age-related degeneration of the tissues, leading to poor vision. Omega-3 fatty acids are also powerful antioxidants that keep your tissues safe from free radical damage. 

Helps in cognitive development: During pregnancy, women are advised to consume Omega 3 capsules to aid the cognitive development of the fetus. DHA is also used to create the cells of the brain and hence, build cognitive functions like focus and memory. Consuming omega-3 fatty acids on a regular basis also helps prevent age-related issues like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia as the brain cells are protected from damage. 

Reduces risk of heart diseases: Unlike unhealthy fatty acids, omega-3 is extremely good for cardiovascular health. There are multiple ways in which Omega-3 fish oil capsules keep your heart healthy. First, they reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. They also help regulate blood pressure. In fact, for people who struggle with high blood pressure, consuming Omega 3 tablets is highly recommended as it helps prevent the development of plaque on the walls of the arteries.

Fights inflammation: Omega-3 is naturally anti-inflammatory in nature. Inflammation is the response of your body to any injury or infection. While this is an important function, inflammation becomes an issue when it occurs even when you do not have any injury or infection. A good fish oil capsule reduces the production of certain enzymes and factors that are responsible for inflammation. This prevents long-term inflammation and in turn, keeps unwanted health issues at bay. 

 Prevents autoimmune diseases: Auto-immune diseases occur when the immune system begins to fight against the cells of the body. One example is when pancreatic cells are attacked by the immune system, reducing the production of insulin. Consuming Omega-3 tablets especially in the early years of one’s life can significantly reduce the chances of autoimmune diseases. 

Prevents diseases like cancer: Studies have shown that consuming the right amount of Omega-3 fatty acids each day can help reduce the risk of colon cancer by 55%. While the exact association between fish oil supplements and the prevention of these diseases is still not entirely known, the strong antioxidant property of these fatty acids is considered to be a primary reason for this effect.

Other benefits

  • Prevention of ADHD in children 
  • Reduced chances of clots in the arteries and veins 
  • Better weight management 
  • Enhanced metabolism 
  • Improved health and texture of the skin and hair. 

Side Effects of Omega-3 Capsules 

Overall, omega 3 fish oil capsules do not have any side effects when they are consumed according to the recommended daily intake. However, you may have a fishy breath or a fishy aftertaste.

When you consume more fish oil each day than the advised dosage, there could be issues like loose stools, nausea or some indigestion. If you are unsure of the dosage, always consult your doctor. 

Best Omega 3 Capsules in India 

To get the best value for fish oil capsules price, make sure you choose such health products that are tested for efficacy and safety. HK vitals fish oil tablets are among the most preferred ones in India because of their special formulation and reliability in terms of quality. Here is a list of the best fish oil supplements for you to pick from:

HK Vitals Fish Oil by HealthKart 

These omega 3 capsules contain 1000mg of omega-3 fatty acids in every serving. This includes 120mng of DHA and 180mg of EPA. The fish oils used in these capsules are extracted from fresh cold-water fish. It is refined to remove any heavy metal such as mercury that can cause toxicity. The enteric coating of these capsules also ensures that you do not have any fish burps or aftertaste when you consume these Omega-3 supplements.  

HK Vitals Omega-3 by HealthKart 

Every serving of these fish oil tablets contains 1000mg of Omega-3 fatty acids including EPA and DHA. The fish oil is derived from cold-water sardines in the Antarctic Sea, ensuring the highest quality and efficacy. Using the latest technology in refining these fish oils, toxic heavy metals like mercury are extracted from the fish oil, making it perfectly safe for your consumption as well.

HealthKart Advanced Omega-3 Capsules

The advanced Omega-3 capsules by HK vitals consist of 1000mg of omega-3 fatty acids and are fortified with 360mg of EPA and 240mg of DHA. These capsules are made using a potent formula that is beneficial in improving heart health, joint flexibility and mobility and brain health. The soft gels come with a special shell that prevents any fishy burps or after taste.

HK Vitals Salmon Omega 

These salmon omega capsules by HK vitals consist of 1000mg of Omega-3 fatty acids in each serving. They also ensure that you get the daily required intake of EPA and DHA for better brain, eye and heart health. The fish oil used in these fish oil tablets is derived from high-quality cold-water sardines. They contain 100% non-GMO ingredients and are free from heavy metals like mercury. This makes them the safest Omega-3 supplements available for daily consumption. 

Suggested Use of Omega-3 Supplements

Ideally, the average adult should consume between 500-1000mg of omega-3 fatty acids each day depending upon specific needs and requirements. However, the actual dosage of these Omega-3 capsules varies according to the brand that you choose. For best results, follow the instructions provided with the product to optimize the benefits of these fish oil supplements. It is recommended that you consume Omega-3 fatty acids after your meals each day. This helps in faster digestion and also prevents the chances of fishy aftertaste. 

How Many Omega-3 Supplements Should I Take? 

You may consume between 1-3 capsules each day. The dosage varies according to various factors such as the concentration of omega-3 in each capsule, your daily requirement according to your age, gender and physical activity etc.

Every bottle of Omega-3 fish oil capsules comes with a set of instructions about the dosage and usage of the products. Make sure you follow these instructions correctly to avoid overconsumption and related issues. 

How To Take Omega-3 Supplements? 

Omega-3 capsules can be consumed with a glass of water. It is best to consume them with breakfast if you only consume one tablet each day. However, with multiple capsules per day to complete the necessary dosage, consume these Omega-3 fish oil capsules before or after your meals.

What Is The Best Time To Take Omega-3 Supplements 

Ideally, Omega-3 capsules should be consumed in the morning to ensure that you have an energetic start to your day.


How much Omega-3 should I take in a day?

Ideally, an adult must consume 1000mg of Omega-3 fatty acids each day. Depending upon the products that you choose, you may take 1-3 tablets each day. Make sure you read the instructions carefully before you consume the product. If you are unsure of the dosage that you need, consult your doctor.

Are there vegan options with Omega-3 supplements? 

For those who do not wish to consume any animal-based products because of their dietary preferences or restrictions, there are several vegan options that you can choose from. Flaxseed oil supplements are among the most popular forms of vegan omega 3 tablets.

  • When is the best time of the day to take Omega-3 supplements?
    You can consume Omega-3 supplements with any meal of the day. However, it is best that you consume it first thing in the morning in order to stay energized all day long.
  • Can I take Omega-3 supplements if I am allergic to fish?
    If you have any allergic history with fish or seafood, make sure you consult your doctor before consuming Omega-3 supplements. Most of these capsules are derived from fish, which can trigger painful allergic reactions as mild as rashes or as severe as asphyxia.

Why do I need Omega-3 supplements?   

  • Your diet does not allow you to consume adequate sources of Omega-3 rich foods. 
  • You already suffer from an Omega-3 deficiency. 
  • You lead an active lifestyle that requires a higher consumption of these nutrients.
  • You want to maintain your overall health and wellness.

What are the symptoms of Omega-3 deficiency?

There are some sure-shot signs of Omega-3 deficiency: 

  • Skin and hair begin to look dull 
  • You have trouble sleeping 
  • The menstrual cycle is difficult for women
  • Cardiovascular issues 
  • Difficulty in remaining alert and focused 
  • Excessive buildup of earwax 
  • Fatigue

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